GYV 10 | Sound Healing

Sound Healing: Navigating Love, Fear, And Spirituality With Dr. Dawn Ella

Love and fear are the notes that compose our consciousness, and in raising our vibration, we rediscover the harmony within. In this episode, we have Dr. Dawn Ella, a sound healing expert, spiritual guide, and survivor of a near-death experience that forever changed her perspective on life. She shares her extraordinary experience of transitioning to the other side and returning with a heightened awareness of the soul’s energy. She emphasizes the interconnectedness of love, fear, and consciousness in our daily decisions. She also deeply discusses the dynamics of love and fear as the two foundational aspects of consciousness. Dr. Dawn shows the role of vibrational energy and fragmented pieces in hindering our spiritual connection, shedding light on how her app, Soul Link, is designed to help listeners effortlessly tap into their inner selves through sound and visuals. Tune in now and learn how to connect with your soul.

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Sound Healing: Navigating Love, Fear, And Spirituality With Dr. Dawn Ella

This episode is not going to be for the faint of heart. I’m going to give you that warning before we even get started. We’re going to go deep. We like to go deep on this show, but not too often because we don’t want to shake you up too much. We’re going to get into the spiritual level.

I’ve brought a wonderful guest who hails from Naples, Florida, Dr. Dawn Ella, to talk about her life story and a major event that changed the direction of her life. She will also talk about why you are here on this Earth, why you came here, why you graced your presence here on Earth, and what’s the meaning of life. Grab your cup of coffee and your favorite bagel if it is morning or a glass of wine if you’re tuning in to this in the evening. Sit down and tune in to this conversation between Dr. Dawn Ella and myself.

Let me give you an intro as I typically do. In terms of a bio, Dr. Dawn Ella holds an impressive array of qualifications including being a doctor of complimentary, integrative, and alternative medicine, an ordained minister, a doctor of divinity, a doctor of metaphysics, an energy healer, and a certified Law of Attraction life coach and mentor.

She’s also an acclaimed author, renowned as a sole physician, and distinguished in the realms of alternative medicine with accolades as a Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Metaphysics. She also excels as a soul medic mentor, soul energy healer, spiritual teacher, and inspirational speaker, and serves as a clear channel of the light.

At the age of 30, Dr. Dawn Ella underwent a profound transformation following a near-death experience. This life-altering event bestowed upon her a unique gift, the ability to perceive and connect with the elevated vibrational energy of the soul. Dr. Ella is deeply passionate about sharing the soulful wisdom of one’s authentic higher self and catalyzing the awakening of the higher frequencies rooted in the spiritual laws of the universe.


GYV 10 | Sound Healing


Her mission revolves around facilitating the enlightenment of the human self with the soul self, empowering individuals to harness their innate personal power and rediscover the radiant light within their hearts and souls. That’s a lot of high-level words, but we’re talking about high-level energy, so they deserve to have high-level words. Dr. Dawn, welcome to the show. I can’t thank you enough for taking that valuable resource of yours called time to spend it with us.

Thank you for having me. It’s nice to be here.

The way I usually like to start the show is to have our guests talk a little bit about their life stories and how they got to where they are. We have a clue from your bio as to a major event that happened in your life. If you wouldn’t mind, take a few minutes to talk about your upbringing, your life story, and how it is that you are where you are now.

I’ll start with seventeen years ago when I had a tragic accident. It left me in a coma for three days. Because of that accident, I don’t have a lot of recollection of my childhood and my beginning before that. It doesn’t mean that I don’t remember because I do remember faint things, but it is blurry. Part of the accident itself kept some of my memories from coming back, which I feel is a gift to be able to get a reset.

However, since the accident, I’ve been on a life mission. The accident was pretty tragic. I left this world at that time. I remember going through a dark tunnel and then popping out to this bright light. I was told, “It’s not your time yet. You need to go back.” I said, “What do you want me to do?” Interestingly enough, I didn’t see my body. I felt 100% at peace. The communication was telepathic.

I was told, “It’s not your time yet. You need to go back.” I’m like, “What do you want me to do?” I was told I was supposed to heal people. I was told a certain way to do that healing through a bridging technique. I said, “That’s it?” It seemed small in comparison to my desires. I was told, “It’s not it. You just need to start there. That’s what you’re supposed to do. Only you can heal these people so you need to be able to go back to do this.” I said, “Okay.” I am very excited and happy to be able to do this life mission.”

However, when I went back into my body very quickly, I woke up in the hospital and fell to the floor at that point because I didn’t have equilibrium because of a nerve that got nicked in my eye. My equilibrium was off so I couldn’t stand. There began my healing journey that started with being bedridden for a year. I have this great accomplishment that I am supposed to be doing. However, I need to do this on myself first because I was very broken as a result of the accident. That’s where my journey began as I recollect.

I could only imagine being given that kind of direction. You wake up and your body is not functioning to a point where it’s going to make it very difficult for you to execute that directive.

The communication with the other side or through my higher self continued after the accident. From what I’ve learned, those who leave this world and come back continue to have a direct connection with the other side. It depends on how much you facilitate it thereafter. However, it has been a guiding light and force that assisted me greatly after I returned. As much as it was daunting physically, the connection spiritually was very much guided by the light.

You were able to heal yourself to a point where you can function as a human being on Earth to then go about starting a coaching practice or a coaching business to help heal people. Is there a specific type of healing that your directive was for? Is it physical, mental, or all aspects of healing?

All aspects of healing but it is more energy medicine that I focused on. I am utilizing sound healing because sound comes before form. Sound seems to relate more with where you are at. It meets you where you are. It’s non-invasive. It works with your body, not against it. Sound was the main focus of the healing that I utilized to a great degree, especially for the aspect of the brain because the brain is programmable. The sound frequencies for healing with the brain were very relatable to work with what I needed.

GYV 10 | Sound Healing
Sound Healing: Sound healing meets you where you are. It’s non-invasive. It works with your body not against it.


I thought we’d take our time together to go through a journey that would help people to understand or formulate for themselves a game plan or a strategy for moving forward with their lives. Maybe we could start with a discussion on exactly in your mind what a soul is. Is it an energy? What kind of life force is a soul in your opinion?

Your soul is your energy force. It is what allows everything to function as if it were energy-charged. When a person leaves this world, their soul leaves the physical body. Therefore, it doesn’t function physically any longer. Your soul is your energetic expression of your own light, from my perspective.

It’s like your 9-volt battery for your life or your human form.

It’s interesting too, because I see everybody having a soul print. It is similar to we all have a unique fingerprint. I see it as a soul print. We each have a unique aspect within the variation of degrees of our own soul that sometimes shows up through our physicality. However, on a soul level, there are attributes of divinity that are unique to each other.

GYV 10 | Sound Healing
Sound Healing: On a soul level, there are attributes of divinity that are unique to each other.


I also see it as a big puzzle and we each are pieces to the puzzle. Some of us might be corner pieces and some of us might be middle pieces. However, we’re all unique and different as a whole. With that, when we have our piece of the puzzle and put our piece of the puzzle back together, we can then shine, which allows our soul to shine, if that makes any sense.

It makes a lot of sense. If we’re trying to align with our purpose here on Earth, you can use that same analogy of a puzzle piece. If somebody picks up a puzzle piece and tries to put it in the wrong spot within the puzzle, the puzzle doesn’t look right. The puzzle doesn’t “work” until such time that the person putting the puzzle together can find the right place and therefore get alignment for where that puzzle piece needs to be. It becomes a contributing member of the whole puzzle.

It’s almost as if your puzzle piece needs to be put back together as well. When we come into this world, our job is to put that piece of our puzzle back together when we experience blockages or different turns in life. I denote that too, putting our own piece of our puzzle back together. That allows it to go into its right place by proxy of it being in harmony with itself, from my perspective too.

Before our soul comes to Earth, I’d have to imagine part of the soul blueprint is what it is that our soul has come to Earth to learn about. Does the soul have growth? In other words, the soul comes to what I call the Earth school. The soul comes to the Earth school in an effort for the soul to learn and grow, or is it always in its natural state and doesn’t need any kind of growth?

That’s interesting because after I left this world and came back, I remember learning one thing that was specific. Since I was feeling very broken, I was asking the question, “How am I supposed to do this job that you’re asking me to do when I’m so broken?” It was shared with me that I’m whole and complete within myself. I’m thinking, “What does that mean? I don’t feel whole and complete. I’m broken. I can barely stand up. I don’t remember things and I don’t know how to use things. How is that supposed to even work?”

One thing that I learned was you see this soul as this ball of light. Within this ball of light, they showed me that there are these fragmented pieces that are blocking the light. When we come into the world this lifetime, it’s our opportunity to allow the transmutation of those fragmented pieces, to remove them so that the light can shine. We come into the Earth school with the opportunity to transmute these blockages or these fragmented pieces that are blocking our light from shining. That is also the bridging technique that I was told to do. How do you remove those fragmented pieces? That’s where I use the bridging technique to help energy transmute.

GYV 10 | Sound Healing
Sound Healing: When we come into the world this lifetime, it’s our opportunity to allow the transmutation of those fragmented pieces to remove them so that the light can shine.


I’ve always used the visual description with my coaching clients about the ego. The ego is a blockage to the light that exists inside of you. As you have traumas and so forth, which I’d have to imagine in the puzzle piece is the brokenness that needs to be healed, that ego becomes more transparent. It allows the light to come through. If I heard you right, what you’re saying is that we’ve come to this Earth school in order to help remove those pieces out of our souls that block the light to do that transmutation process.

What is the definition of ego? To me, ego is anything that blocks you from giving or receiving light. If you’re doing something that is blocking you from receiving light or giving light, then that’s the ego. It’s your opposition or your opponent to challenge you. Another thing I also discovered was why we come into this world with challenges. It’s about discovering these aspects of our own unique print of the soul. You don’t look at, “Who am I?” You look at, “Who am I not?” When you realize who you are not, it allows you to learn who you really are. We have opposition so that we can learn who we’re not so we can then work on becoming who we are.

Let’s take a step back a little bit. How is the process of transformation for you? You have this experience. You come back into the world per se. You feel like you’re broken. You’re scratching your head going, “What have I got myself into here?” You spend a year having to heal yourself. Did you feel like you were fighting it the whole time or did you have complete faith and trust in the process? How was that process for you for the first year or two after this event emotionally?

Especially losing your memory and not being able to remember things, it’s very confusing. Even the music you listen to, everything looks different. You’re like, “I don’t necessarily want to listen to that music anymore. I want to listen to this now.” You change. It’s an awakening. However, the power of our own soul or our own inner self is very strong.

When I left the world and I had that connection to the other side, it became my True North. It was so powerful. I can remember it as if it happened yesterday, and that’s how you know. People ask, “How do you know that you’ve had such a divine encounter?” It doesn’t change. The memory of it is exactly as you remember it the first time and there’s no question of it. You don’t have any basis within yourself to question it. It’s a very powerful force.

I knew I was on a mission. I knew there was something that I was to do. It was very difficult. I was bedridden for a year for the healing and then the journey began. That was seventeen years ago. I’m just now coming out with new things in my life because it has been a long journey to discover and even learn how this world works and what all of this is about. How can I work on healing people? I’ve got to understand it first in order to then take on that divine providence of that mission to assist others in healing. What is this all about? How does it all work? The power of our inner self is a force that’s strong. The more fragmented pieces that you do have, it blocks that and dulls that. The more that we transmute the fragmented pieces or move through the blockages in our lives, the power of the soul of the inner self gets stronger.

It’s all interconnected. I had the privilege of working with a forgiveness coach. I came to understand how much the body holds onto those pieces when we have traumas in our lives, particularly in our childhood, that need to be healed. My own personal journey was one of the self-esteem issues in my early twenties. It’s the baggage I brought in my first marriage.

My big event was coming out of that failed marriage and saying, “This is not the life that I want for myself. What can I do about it? How can I lead myself to a better life?” That led me to go and to do a bunch of therapy work and so forth to heal the traumas I had in my childhood that led to my self-esteem problems.

What I’ve come to learn and understand is that changed my programming in my mind. There were parts of my body that were still hanging on to the traumas. We had to use forgiveness techniques to release those out of the body. I don’t know that it’s discussed a whole lot in the mainstream world or mainstream America about the connectivity between the spirit, the mind, and the body. When we have these events, we have to look at all those pieces for healing and not just a reprogramming of the mind. Would you agree with that?

Yes, indeed. We can reprogram the brain. That is an aspect of something I worked on, but we also have to take accountability. Everything that happens is an opportunity for a lesson to be learned. I don’t believe that anything that comes to us is void of that. There are some very sensitive things that happen to people and it’s hard to be accountable for something of such. However, there are opportunities within the perception of reality.

Everything that happens is an opportunity for a lesson to be learned. Share on X

Even with my situation, I asked the question specifically, “Why did I have to go through this? Why did this happen? Wasn’t there something I could learn and I could help people by learning it? Did I have to go through the trauma of being knocked down to the very bottom and feel like I’m losing everything in my life in order to be able to heal?”

The answer was, “You agreed to be able to heal people in this world. In order to heal people in this world, you have to know what it feels like. You have to understand through your heart what is going on.” I had to experience it. Sometimes, the lesson or the opportunity is something such as you’ve chosen to learn a lesson so that you can help others. It’s not necessarily that you did something to deserve what you’re working on for the accountability aspect.

That was your hero’s journey. The hero’s journey is that you have to go through the fire, so to speak, in a particular area of life so that you have that experience. You then can turn around and help those who need to go through it themselves as a guide, a coach, or whatever term that you want to throw at it. That’s certainly the way I feel about my own life. I can help business leaders through their traumas, self-esteem issues, or whatever it may be because I walked that fire. I’ve been there. I want to turn to another favorite subject of mine. It’s embedded in everything. That is two words, love and fear, and the dance or dynamic that is played between the two of them. Am I correct in saying that the light energy of the soul is steeped in love? Would that be a correct statement?

Indeed. I believe fear and love are the two aspects of consciousness. You can either have fear-based consciousness or you can have love-based consciousness. The love-based consciousness is through the heart and fear-based consciousness is through the lack of love. I also believe consciousness is everything. What we think, we can create. As much as consciousness is everything, love is that manifestation of that consciousness. It’s not just a habit in the mind but to be able to bring it into the physicality. It works with both consciousness and love.

Fear and love are the two aspects of consciousness. You can either have fear-based consciousness or you can have love-based consciousness. Share on X

I’m a firm believer that it’s embedded in every decision that we make in our life no matter how big or small. You can take those two words and dissect a decision that sits in front of you. You’re making a choice in life. Those who tune in to this show a lot know I say it all the time. Your most powerful tool in your life is the power of choice. If you have a choice that’s ahead of you, you can almost dissect the 2, 3, or 4 possibilities that you have in front of you or paths that you could take in the choice based on love and fear.

What is the love element or the fear element that’s involved in this mixture in the decision that you’re going to make? If you can start thinking about it in that way, then choose love as much as you can. Part of your soul’s journey here on Earth is to understand that dynamic, how it plays in your life, and how it plays in that consciousness and the removal of the blockages that are in your life. What do you think about that?

A lot of people love that idea. I work with others to help allow love to be their foundation. You want your foundation or what you build everything on to be love. They tell me, “That sounds great. I have all these things I desire but I can’t seem to get to them. I can’t seem to allow that to be a constant theme or flow in my life.” That’s where we work on the blockages and the root sources of the blockages that are showing up. Is it abandonment, betrayal, or humiliation? What’s the common theme? We are then working on that aspect in order to help transmute those so you can stay in the love space more.

I am also using sound healing in order to help raise the vibration. A lot of it is difficult to maintain because of a vibrational level. Fragmented pieces can be on a lower vibration. The more that we raise our vibration, the more that we can be in a harmonic equilibrium with our soul self and allow that power to have more strength than the darkness that seems to be pushing down or trying to block us from being in that love-based consciousness.

I discovered that whole piece. It’s one of my favorite books. I talk to people about it all the time. It is from Dr. David Hawkins. It covers two pages. It shows you the energetic level difference between different emotions with courage being the inflection point. The bottom half underneath courage, which I call anchoring, is anchored in fear. In the top part above courage is anchored in love. To get above love, you get into enlightenment, joy, and so forth from that perspective.

I would have to say the discovery of that was one of the major events in my life to give me that framework and that understanding particularly in my coaching world to help people from that aspect. Energy is everything. If our soul is a light energy, then energy is everything. If we could start thinking about our lives energetically, which to me equates to being strategic. If you’re thinking strategically, you’re thinking energy-wise for your life. We can get out of this minutiae of the tactics of life like, “I got to take the kids to the soccer game.”

It is these little things in our day-to-day that we go through that we get caught up in and allow our emotions to get driven by that keep us down. It keeps us in those lower frequencies as opposed to trying to stay up above that minutia and think strategically about our life, stay at that upper frequencies of love and so forth, and don’t let the minutiae drag us down.

It’s all about perception too because your perception is your reality. When we face challenges, we think of victim consciousness. I try to work with clients not to be in victim because everything is an opportunity. Something I learned greatly after leaving this world and coming back is a perspective that we are very blessed. There are a lot of things that are misperceived as trouble or, “I’m a victim of all these things in life,” which on a soul level are opportunities.

Your perception is your reality. Share on X

If you look at them from different perspectives as opportunities, it can give them a whole new weight of understanding to allow your work on it to be different. It allows your perception of reality to shift and work with it instead of against it. We think of this war mentality of good and bad and right and wrong. It’s a little bit of dualistic. We try to get more into a harmonic understanding that things are working with you even though it doesn’t appear to be that.

A common friend of ours taught me that life works for us and through us. That’s a huge mindset change that when we can look at challenges in our life, whether we grew them ourselves or they came out of nowhere, like your event, they all show up for a reason. If we can pay attention or try to decipher what that reason is, then that allows life to start working for us. It allows us to be intentional with our lives and change the direction of our lives for the better. Let’s talk a little bit about what you’re doing out there in the business world. You’ve got a nonprofit and some businesses. Why don’t you talk a little bit about your business journey with the things that you’re trying to accomplish as directed by the universe?

After the accident, I spent a lot of time studying. That’s where I’ve got all of the accolades that you mentioned in the beginning. I needed to keep healing but also understand how everything works. I spent a lot of time studying. When I was doing that, I started learning so much about the opportunities for the world to heal. I started a business called The Soul Medic. That’s where I work on assisting and facilitating individuals to seek their inner selves and understand more about their soul-body blueprint. I help with transmuting fragmentations energetically and give personal guidance one-on-one.

I also knew that wasn’t enough. There are only so many people that I can see face-to-face. I knew even from my inner self that I needed to bring something to the world more globally with this divine providence that I’d been gifted. I wanted to open up a nonprofit, and I did so with Supernal World Creations for humanitarian innovations. This is where I wanted to allow science and spirituality to come together and open up the opportunity for people to experience this healing of the fragmented pieces more through sound. Through that, we created an app called Soul Link. Soul Link is a comprehensive meditation platform that uses sound and Earth visuals to help you connect to your inner self.

This is something that you created. You launched it a couple of months ago. Is that correct?

Yeah. It just launched. It was time-consuming. We have a patented formula. It’s patent pending in 49 countries. We utilize the sound healing musical compositions to be a guiding principle of Soul Link. With that, the sound pieces are created individually. Also, the cinematic Earth visuals are created specifically. We also have on there focused enhanced frequency waves. Within this creation, we were working on the fundamental pieces of the app before it was launched.

GYV 10 | Sound Healing
Sound Healing: We utilize the sound healing musical compositions to be a guiding principle of soul link.


I was reading a bit about it on your website. When we talk about meditation, it is a quieting of your life so that you can connect with the soul. The soul is already connected to the universe. It’s part of the universe, but it’s an allowance to connect with yourself. I know from my own efforts to meditate, particularly in the beginning, it was like, “What is this all about?” I’m sitting here with my eyes closed. I’m thinking about everything I have to do today, what’s going on in my daughters’ lives, and things of that nature. It was difficult. What I like about your app is that it gives you a different way or a different kind of process to connect with your soul. It’s doing it through visuals, sound, and so forth where it’s accomplishing the same thing but it takes a different path to get there.

I noticed that leaving this world and coming back was giving me the opportunity to connect to my soul very easily. However, when I worked with people, they had a lot of hard times. When you close your eyes and turn inward, because everything is an inside job, that’s where all those fragmented pieces are. That was confusing. It was also not raising the vibration, so reaching meditation was difficult.

That’s where I formulated the sound to be working on the transmutation while you’re listening to it and also to give you visuals to look at. There are sacred geometries in the nature aspects that are pleasing to look at. Everybody loves a beautiful view. Everybody loves nature. If I give you something on a visual journey that I can take you on or that you can choose which visual journey you would like, it allows you to have something to focus on instead of those fragmented pieces.

The sound or audio compositions are scientifically curated to resonate with the inner frequencies of the human brain. It allows your brain to enter into an alpha state of consciousness and allows the reprogramming to be pre-programmed into a mental state that gives you the mental clarity you want, the emotional balance that you want, and your overall well-being. It works with you to be able to meditate easier.

I also feel that the individuality of your soul print matters. When I was creating it, I wanted people to be able to choose their own. You can scroll through and choose which audio you would like to listen to which have many different pieces within it. There’s chord progression and sacred geometry. There are transcendental mantras through music. There are sophrology frequencies. They all have a combination that’s curated together that allows you to look at the details of that particular compilation and say, “I want to work on stress relief today,” or “I want to be able to put up security shields because I feel like I’m being bombarded from left and right with all this negativity.” Whatever you want to choose, you can scroll through and choose.

Also, with the cinematic Earth visuals, you scroll through and choose. You get to pick whatever matches where you would like to be and what vibration you would like to tune into. The visual stimuli play a pivotal role in shaping your perceptions of the experience. That’s going back to your perceptions of reality. It gives you that happy and joyful vibe of whatever you’re connecting to, whether you want to be in the snow, the desert, or even if you want to be in the rainforest or swimming in the ocean with dolphins. They’re all there to give you the Earth visuals to reconnect you with your own inner self.

People may think I’m crazy with this next statement. It was probably ten years ago. My parents took my brother and me on a trip to Ireland for the first time. My heritage is Scottish-Irish. I walked off the airplane in Dublin, Ireland, and went through immigration and customs. I stood there in the airport terminal, looked around, and went, “What is this that I’m feeling?” I felt it the entire trip that I was in Ireland. It was different. I never perceived that in my life.

I cherish that being that’s my heritage to go back to Ireland and have that connectivity or connection to some kind of energy force that makes me feel like I’m at home. It was a very peaceful and calming connection that you face whenever you go back to your childhood home, the town that you grew up in, or whatever. It’s that blanket comfort feeling. It was outstanding. That’s the only word I can throw at it. I hope the audience can have an opportunity like that to feel that kind of energy in a particular place and have an understanding of the role that energy plays in your life.

That goes back to that True North statement. When you have something so powerful like that, it stays with you and you can’t forget it. It is a connecting piece of a foundational element that is in tune with your soul. That inner attunement is harmonic. We want to listen to those aspects of our connection that we feel.

When you have something so powerful like that. It just stays with you and you can't forget it. Share on X

What do you think is the most common reason that stops people from experiencing spirituality in your life? Is it the sense of control? Is it the sense of, “I need to be in control of my life. Therefore, I’m going to put up these blockages spiritually because I need to fully understand exactly everything that’s happening in my life. I need to manipulate it in some way.”

It’s vibrationally. People are disconnected more because of the fragmented pieces. If we don’t learn the lessons, the fragments build up. The more that they build up, it is like if you have a light. You have this light that’s turned on and you put a blanket over it. Your room is going to get a little bit dimmer. You put another blanket over it and it’s going to get even more dimmer. You put twenty blankets over it and it gets a lot dimmer. It looks like it’s completely dark in the room. However, the light is still on. The light of our soul is always still on. There are these fragmented pieces that block us from connecting to it. The more that we can work on raising our vibration, listen to sound therapy to help us raise our vibration, and work on our inner self, it connects to a stronger attunement of our soul self or our inner self.

What other things are you looking to do through your nonprofit besides the app? Is there anything?

We have a couple of different directions that we can go. One of them is still through the app. We have an opportunity to create a virtual reality experience. With the eyes open meditation, I wanted to be able to bring a fully immersive experience through VR. We’re working on being able to create with the Apple Vision Pro that’s coming out in 2024 a replication of our app in order to bring a different experience to meditation and make meditation in your life more interesting, especially with the visuals and the sound.

We also have the opportunity to be able to work in the health field and see how this work is helping the brain. We have the opportunity to be able to do clinical trials so that we can focus on understanding what’s taking place physically and how this is able to remove stress. We have that direction as well that we are moving toward. The humanitarian innovation aspect is through the patented formula through sound and visuals that we have created.

Unfortunately, we’ve run out of time. This is fascinating stuff. I enjoyed our conversation. If people wanted to reach out to you to understand more about your coaching services, the meditation app, or anything of that nature, what would be the best way they could reach out to you?

We have our website, for our VR and sound experience through Soul Link. We also have The Soul Medic. You can go to to be able to reach out to me there.

As I forewarned you in the green room, we ask our guests at the end of every episode the same question because we like to collect the answers and see what the common thread is between everybody’s answers. My last question for you is what do the words generate your value mean to you?

To me, it means everything. In generating your value, what is value? To me, value is the aspect of your soul in your soul print. Generating your value means taking that piece of the puzzle that you are and putting that piece back together, and allowing it to be placed in this big puzzle piece that we have of this world so we can fulfill our own piece of the puzzle, which then, therefore, helps all the other pieces come together and be one and unified. To me, it means everything.

To the audience, I forewarned you. We were going to go deep on this episode. There are so many golden nuggets of information that people can take away from our conversations with our guests. They can use them to integrate into their life, their business, or whatever it may be that helps them to move forward and create a life for themselves that brings joy, happiness, and success in their life every single day. In every single minute of this conversation, there’s a golden nugget somewhere that you can pull out of this conversation to help you on that journey of finding joy, happiness, and success in your life. Maybe I should have forewarned the audience to pull out a piece of paper and pencil to write all this stuff down.

That being said, this episode is going to come out right around the new year when, hopefully, you’re being introspective anyway about what you want to come forward with your life in 2024. Maybe you can use some of these concepts to take a slight left turn or a slight right turn toward that goal. I hope you’ll hit the subscribe button. We’re here every week with a guest of the caliber of Dr. Dawn to bring you content that hopefully is going to help you move forward or change things in your life for the better. We hope that you have a great day and a great week. We can’t thank you enough for tuning in to the show. Take care.


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About Dr. Dawn Ella

GYV 10 | Sound HealingDr. Dawn Ella is an acclaimed author, renowned as a Soul Physician, and distinguished in the realms of Alternative Medicine, with accolades as a Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Metaphysics. She also excels as a Soul Medic Mentor, Soul Energy Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Inspirational Speaker, and serves as a clear channel of the Light.

At the age of 30, Dr. Dawn Ella underwent a profound transformation following a near-death experience. This life-altering event bestowed upon her a unique gift: the ability to perceive and connect with the elevated vibrational energy of the Soul.

Dr. Ella is deeply passionate about sharing the Soulful wisdom of one’s Authentic Higher Self and catalyzing the awakening of the higher frequencies rooted in the Spiritual Laws of the Universe. Her mission revolves around facilitating the alignment of the human self with the Soul self, empowering individuals to harness their innate personal power and rediscover the radiant Light within their hearts and souls.

Dr. Dawn Ella holds an impressive array of qualifications, including being a Doctor of Complementary, Integrative & Alternative Medicine, an Ordained Minister, Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Metaphysics, Energy Healer, and Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach/Mentor.

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