Succeeding From A Place Of Alignment With Halle Eavelyn

It’s often fair to assume that most people dream of having financial or business success. But then, should the goal be merely profits and expansion? What is the real purpose of it all? What really is “success?” In this episode, Halle Eavelyn explains why aligning your business with your vision and purpose is crucial and how having an abundance mindset becomes key to everything! Halle is a transformational wealth coach, speaker, and writer featured in Time Magazine, USA Today, and Good Morning America. Tune in to get a bunch of gold nuggets about the foundation of business success and how you can achieve it! 


Succeeding From A Place Of Alignment With Halle Eavelyn


I have a wonderful guest for you. Her philosophy in life is the same as mine and Zach’s, so I can’t wait for this conversation. It’s going to be smooth, flowing, and lots of laughs. I hope you will take a bunch of golden nuggets away from this, enjoying my guest, Zach, and I, and living the life that you fully deserve.

My guest is Halle Eavelyn. She’s a wealth management person. Halle is featured in Time Magazine, USA Today and Good Morning America. She’s a transformational wealth coach, speaker, and writer who helps women clear their old patterns of belief so they can call in their financial power that brings freedom.

Clearing the past experience of money makes it possible for our clients to cross the bridge to money’s future while Halle sees their birthright of wealth, as well as its decentralized finance and cryptocurrency. Dry on over 30 years of business experience, software, real estate, film production, and travel, Halle’s work with a variety of intuitive modalities is both deep and extremely fast for clients experiencing powerful shifts in their thinking-feeling of behavior regarding wealth.

Her programs include Wealth Reclamation and CryptoCurious. Her podcast YouTube show is Goddess Of Crypto. After her awakening in Egypt, she wrote the spiritual travel memoir Red Goddess Rising, which tells that story and all about the subsequent trips she has led up Nile for over a decade. A former blogger for the Huffington Post, she’s the author of 100 Ways to Be In Joy, and her latest book is called NutriGlamorous: How to Be Beautiful Inside and Out. With that being said, Halle, welcome to the show.

Thank you much. I’m super excited to be here.

We’re super excited to have you with us. I read an awful lot of industries there in your bio, software, real estate, film, production, and travel. All are very different in nature. I’m wondering if you can give us the Reader’s Digest version of how it is that you had your career journey through all those different very diverse types of industries?

It’s interesting because I don’t even talk about theater, which was my first love and my first career. Everything in my life has come full circle to the work that I do now. I’ve been a copywriter and a PR person. I was a screenwriter for ten years. I sold my first screenplay for six figures. It’s a bizarre journey, but you get to a certain age and you’ve done a lot of things.

One thing led to another thing. What caused me to change industries each time was usually an opportunity. It’s understanding that there is an opportunity in front of you that allows you to take action. It’s leaping and trusting that the net will appear even if you’re in free fall for a while first. That makes all the difference. I’ve always felt lucky and guided. Until I was in my mid-30s and I had my spiritual awakening, I felt like I was guided by luck. I am a lucky person. Since then God, Spirit, Universe, the shadow of the turning, unseen forces, or take your pick for your favorite higher power, is the guidance that I’ve had pretty much my whole life.

When you understand that an opportunity allows you to take action, and it’s leaping and trusting that the net will appear even if you’re in free fall, it will make all the difference.

When the spirit knocks, I answer and it knocks all the time. My belief is, “We have come here to be and to be in joy.” That is a direct quote from spirit. When I choose joy first, then everything unfolds. I was a children’s theater production of Charlotte’s Web. I was having the beginning of a 25-year relationship with the director. He had started this interactive storytelling magazine at a time when there was no such thing as interactivity and hyperlinks were revolutionary. That was what we started our software company about. That led to the making of the world’s first interactive movies. I have a Theater degree. I did not have a degree in Software, Business, or Film School, but by the time I got finished with that company, I had all of the above.

Life teaches you and the work that you’re doing unfolds. I went into real estate. Even if it’s full-time, it’s not really full-time. I was writing screenplays there, then the spiritual awakening happened. In the middle of all of that, I figured out that my purpose as a human being is to help wake people up. That led to me leading tours all over the world, then coaching, which is what I do now. All that business experience led to me being able to help hundreds of companies. It’s been an interesting and beautiful journey.

The trip to Egypt was a life changer for you. Can you fill everybody in on the details of that, and where that awakening came from that?

The long version is in my book Red Goddess Rising, which I wrote because I wanted to answer the question, “What happens to an atheist when they find God and how does that happen?” Everybody wants to know, “You’re an atheist, and then this one breath, you’re not an atheist anymore. How did that possibly happen?” That’s a fair question.

I’m not an atheist anymore, but I am deeply discerning and my BS meter is always on stun. I didn’t like the idea that I couldn’t logic myself into God, but after the spiritual awakening, I couldn’t logic myself out of God. I don’t understand a lot of what happened. The short version is this, in one breath, one moment, and this particular moment that I was in Egypt. I would like to say happened in the king’s chamber of The Great Pyramid but happened in the dining room of our cruise ship. That was a little annoying. The least spiritual place in Egypt is probably the dining room of your cruise ship. What I heard was, “I have a soul and I will never die.”

I got God at that moment in my cells. That’s what changed everything. There were two things that told me that what I felt and heard was what happened. The first one was I got up about fifteen minutes later after I stopped sobbing, to go up the staircase and tell my beloved what had happened. I slipped. I looked down to see what I had slipped on. I had slipped in my shoes because I had not realized up until that moment that I was pouring water and sweat from my hands and feet to the point where I had slipped in my sandals because of all the energy moving through me.

That was like, “What is that?” The reason that I had been on this search path was that I had had panic attacks around dying since I was 10 years old. On my 10th birthday, I realized I was getting older. I was sitting there outside on the curb and was like, “I’m going to grow up, and then I’m going to get older. That means I’ll get old and then I’ll die. What happens after that?” I go inside and I’m like, “Daddy, what happens when you die?” My dad is a hardcore atheist. He’s like, “I don’t want to lie to you the way my parents lied to me. You go in the ground and the worms eat you.” Don’t tell that to your ten-year-old. Makeup something like rainbows or unicorns.

My dad was like, “You could take it, kid.” I had panic attacks from then on. I would wake up in the middle of the night and would be like, “I’m not going to be me anymore.” I would see the blackness of the dark night in my room. It was awful. I would have to get up and turn on the lights. I hated it. That happened up until that moment in Egypt every couple of months. That was my little secret. After that moment, it never happened again.

That was what I realized was healed. I hear spirit all the time. I get to work with people who are full channels, which means they’re basically like a radio tuner for stuff that’s not here and embodied in the third dimension all the time. I might have 9 private clients and 4 of them are channels. I help people start to channel if they want to because it’s much more fun than limiting ourselves to the third dimension. I don’t understand a lot of what I do, but it’s still like how it is.

It’s amazing how it happens. It’s been happening to me over the last few years. When you get curious about it, ask questions, and get people involved in those conversations, they start showing up. It’s not like you put an advertisement in the newspaper or something that nature where you’re asking for them to come up, they show up from that perspective.

To me, it’s all about alignment. Are you in alignment or out of alignment? When you’re in alignment with whatever your higher purpose is, and that’s different for everybody, then that’s going to show up differently for everybody. I feel like if you’re in alignment with the idea that people are going to come to you who are for your higher learning because you’re a seeker, then those people are going to show up in your life, no question.

Let’s build upon that a little bit. We were talking about people showing up, but talk a little bit about how you feel about somebody getting into alignment with whom they’re meant to be in this world in regards to money and wealth in an abundance mindset. Why is that important to somebody, particularly if they’re a business owner? The X’s and O’s of running a business from marketing, sales, and all those typical things are important but as important as that you get alignment with your purpose here in the world and your mindset in particular. What are your feelings on that?

To me, mindset is everything. You can do all the marketing, sales, and funnels, have all the right people on your team, and still fail. You’re like, “What did I do? Why didn’t this work? How come I keep spending all this money and I’m not getting the results I want?” The answer is that you didn’t start from a place of alignment. Your foundation is off. Think about it. You build a building. Pour the foundation wrong and everything is going to flow from there with the building being built. Your foundation is your mindset.

When you have the story or the belief of poverty consciousness, money traumas in your past, and when you haven’t cleared all of that out, it’s like you’re driving down your super high way of life, but instead of driving a Porsche, you’re driving a Yugo and you’re flinging boulders onto the road all the time. You clear a boulder and it’s like, “Let’s bring in another boulder.” It can be very difficult.

As a business owner, the smartest thing you can do is remember that you can create your own economy. That’s a mindset issue. For example, small businesses. How much do you think, or maybe you already know the limit of small businesses? What does the SBA or the Small Business Administration classify as a small business? Do you know what the threshold is to be classified as a small business?

Aligning With Your Purpose: As a business owner, the smartest thing you can do is create your own economy.

Not off the top of my head.

Let’s take a wild guess. How much revenue do you think you have to be? What do you think that threshold is before you’re considered a medium size business and not a small business?

On a yearly basis, $10 million.

Zach, what do you think?

I was going to say about the same ballpark.

It’s $50 million. If you’re reading this and you’re most people, you are not in that category or even close. You’re thinking $5 million to $10 million then after that, “We’re into medium-sized businesses.” What stories do you have? What staff issues, problems, or history are you going to have when you’re already at $10 million? It’s totally different from a $1 million to a $5 million company or $100,000 to a $1 million company. You’ve already got these two major categories of companies.

The SBA is lumping them all together. That’s what the news is telling you. When they tell you, “Small businesses are seeing a 20% drop in this recession,” that is about the $50 million or $30 million businesses. It is probably not about you. When you start thinking in terms of creating your own economy, you’re like, “I’m an entrepreneur, and this is what I need for my family to feel wealthy.”

The word wealthy means different things to different people. It could mean, “I’ve got $1 million in the bank. I make $1 million a year. I’ve got $10 million in the bank. I have my house paid off and I don’t have to worry about my bills.” It is different for everybody. Your question isn’t, “What is the news saying to you?” The question is, “What do you feel brings wealth? What is it that you can do in your life to make you feel wealthy?”

Is wealth just about money? It is not. Wealth is synonymous with abundance. We can have a wealth of health, love, relationships, friends, or activities. All of those things qualify. In fact, they can be used to bring in more monetary wealth because when you’re focused on the money and you’re like, “It has to be the money. I have to make this much money. If I don’t make this much money, I suck,” which is the dirty underbelly of American Dream. When you realize, “I have wealth in all these areas,” you can start to feel abundance. Abundance attracts abundance as opposed to the stories that we’re always telling ourselves, which is, “Abundance is only about money.”

You hit on poverty versus an abundance mindset as well, which something I harp on with people all the time is all about that. Moving on, this is something we’ve talked about a lot on this show, the contrast between fear and love. What are your thoughts about fear versus love, love versus fear, and those two very key areas of life?

I believe that the opposite of love is not hate. The opposite of love is indifference because when you hate, that’s often like, “I loved my ex and now I hate my ex.” That’s a continuum. Hate can turn to love again. Elizabeth Taylor married Richard Burton three times, and in between, she said horrible things about him. It happens. You pop back and forth. The opposite of love is indifference. When you don’t care about something, whether it lives or dies, that’s the opposite of that.

Fear to me is completely different. You can love something and be afraid of it or that you are afraid of losing it. Those two states can coexist. What I see is that fear prevents a lot of people from doing what they love. That is the thing that we want to shift. The way to shift it is to take action. Fear and action cannot exist simultaneously unless you are afraid of the bad guy and you’re running from him, then you can be in fear and action at the same time. Unless that’s what you’re doing, and in business, that’s not what we’re called to do.

There are two kinds of fear. There’s fear of danger, that’s where you run from the actual bad guy. That’s good. There’s also fear of the unknown. The problem is, it feels the same way in our bodies. When you have that feeling of, “I’m going to throw up now because you’re about to go on stage or whatever,” that’s a good sign because it’s a bellwether for the fact that something big is going to happen, that you don’t have a solution for it at this moment. You can’t predict or control it. When that happens, it’s an invitation to something large. When you feel that fear, that’s what I call, “Raise your sword and run into battle fear,” because that’s the invitation. It’s a call to action.

All those movies that are the hero’s story and journey begin in act one. The hero gets the call to the quest. Think about Lord Of The Rings. Here’s Frodo or Bilbo, depending on which part of the saga we’re in, getting that call to the quest. What would happen if they were like, “I’m scared. I’m going to stay in the Shire?” No movie. You have to answer the call in order for the big things to happen to you. When we are getting that call, all we know is the cold stone and the pit of our stomachs. We will say no sometimes.

All you’re doing is putting off your good. You can put off your good for your entire life. When your mindset is, “That’s my raise-my-sword-and-run-into-battle fear, not my fear-of-scary-guy-in-dark-alley fears,” now you can take action. Another tool that I love to use for fear that kills it dead is curiosity, “I wonder if I could do it like this. I wonder what would happen on the other side of this. I wonder if this would be possible.’” As you get curious, the fear simply dissipates. That’s what I think about fear and love.

Love is everything because to me, God is everything and is breathing, and that’s love. I found out that in the 1500s, a woman was put to death for writing a book that said, “God is love.” Years later, they found the book material and published it. Everybody thought a guy had written it, then it was supposed to be this mystical amazing thing that this man had said that, “God is love,” but it was written by a woman 100 years earlier and then she had been killed for saying it.

I like to talk with people about getting comfortable with fear, to recognize it, and if it’s in the room, “Fear is showing up.” If you can get comfortable with it, then you can start to become curious about it and start thinking about, “Why did fear show up in the room? What can I do about it?” Bring out the sword, get courageous about it, and start battling it to help push you through to a state of love in that particular area.

Fear is here to protect you. Fear is the thing that says, “Stay here. Here is safe,” but this is hardwired from us when we were in the cave with the saber-toothed tigers. If you left the cave, the saber-toothed tiger would eat you, which is no fun. If you stay in the cave, the cave is safe. Now that that has been hardwired in, we need to realize that our lives are not the same. The saber-toothed tiger is extinct and it’s safe to leave the cave.

Fear is the thing that says, “Stay here. Here is safe.” This is hardwired from when we were in the cave with the sabretooth tigers. We need to realize that our lives are not the same, and the sabretooth tiger is extinct. It’s safe to leave the cave.

The roots started there from a physical fight and flight, physical danger and it expanded out of that into the emotional side of life. Now we use it to protect the emotional side of our life as we do from the physical danger side of things. That’s where we get in our comfort zone and don’t make much progress in life.

Without change, there’s no growth. Changing in very small increments might mitigate fear, but nothing else will. You’re simply going to have to feel the fear and do it anyway. I love my bumper sticker coaching. If it’s short enough to fit on a bumper sticker, you will remember it in an emergency. My bumper sticker coaching here is, “Thank you for sharing.” You say, “Thank you for sharing,” in a loving way to your fear, “I hear you. Thank you for sharing.” The fear now will be quiet and go away for that moment, which can allow you to then take action. It’s going to come up again. You say, “Thank you for sharing again.”

I’ve had people who have used that to quiet what is known generally as their head trash, then they’re like, “It’s quiet in here. I don’t know what to do with all my spare time,” because, “Thank you for sharing,” is the thing which we resist persists. Instead of constantly hearing this fear repeating because it’s trying to beat down the door, get in, and get you to listen, you’re like, “I hear you. Thank you for protecting me. Thank you for sharing,” then the fear can be like, “She heard me. I can go away now,” at least until the next time.

You’ve done a lot of coaching with women particularly when it comes to the mindset around money and wealth. What are some of the patterns and beliefs that women have to deal with when it comes around that mindset?

First of all, there are a lot of supportive men in the world, men who want women to succeed and who want to see women as their equals. That is not how society shows up for women. For example, it was 1973 before women could have their own bank accounts, mortgages, and credit cards without them being co-signed in their husband’s or fathers’ names.

It’s only this generation of women who are growing up in a world where that was true. If your daddy or husband had to give you permission for you to have a credit card, it wasn’t just in your name. He was seeing the bill and controlling the purse strings. My father, bless his little heart, is a good, intelligent, college-educated man who raised me to be anything I wanted to be and also said to me, “It’s as easy to fall in love with a rich man as it is to fall in love with a poor one,” then another time he said to me, “Why do you think I’m sending you to college?”

I went to college on a full theater scholarship. He had to send me to nothing, but he was like, “It doesn’t matter where you go to school, you’re just going to go to get married anyway.” I even knew in the ‘80s, that was not cool. I was the cusping generation of that. I’m 24 years old and running my first company. The suits came in looking to invest in us, and they walked in unexpectedly. I remember, there I am in my leotard and my jeans and they’re like, “Can I have the president of the company?” I’m like, “Hi.” They were like, “What?” I never ever went to the office without a suit after that day. Mark Zuckerberg had not happened yet. How old are you, Zach?


By the time you’re 28 these days, why haven’t you started and sold three companies? When I was first in business and running my first company at 24, it was not like that. We were young and untried. The whole generation was considered like, “You’re not old enough to know what you’re doing yet, kid.” I feel like women have about a 3,000-year legacy. I’m going to tell you one other little piece of history that you don’t know that is going to blow your mind.

This is an Anglo-Saxon thing in England and Europe. When women would get married, there was this expression called coverage. Coverage was the 2 become 1. The husband and wife become one, and one covers the other. Guess who got to be on top in every sense of the word? The man covered the woman. For example, if the man were an inveterate gambler, would go down to a pub and spend all his money drinking and gambling, the proprietor of the pub could then go to the wife and take her money for her husband’s gambling debts.

Things were better by then. In the Dark Ages, which was 1 or 2 centuries before, if your husband died, he was killed in the war, for example, your lands would be taken and you would be kicked out. It’s the idea of the old woman out gathering herbs. She probably wasn’t old. She was like 32, but she had been living in the woods because they had taken her home. She’d lost her husband. Her children were taken from her, or they died because everybody had no place to live. She is reduced to gathering herbs as the only way to make sure that she has food to put in her or her kids’ mouths.

We got this idea of the female gathering herbs and the wise woman, but it was her only outlet. Women could be taken or killed for a number of reasons. We have that legacy. If you believe in past lives, let’s say you’ve had a bunch like that, you too as well because that’s how past lives work like you’re a guy in this one and a woman the last time. If you don’t believe in past lives, still for women, it’s generational. Your mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, going back, there was this legacy of poverty. If you owned it, it could be taken away from you.

This is true of people of color as well. People who are Black or Brown have traditionally been enslaved. Those slavery legacies are coming down to us. Unless you’re a White guy, you did not grow up with a solid legacy of money. That’s why it’s hard to change things because the White guys who still run our countries like the power structure and want it to stay that way. That’s why I’ve focused on working with women because I want to shift this generational legacy of poverty into one of the women’s birthright of wealth.

Not because we want to take anything away from men, but because women are naturally creative and nurturing. I believe there would be a lot less war. If Putin were a woman, he wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine. It’s just not how women like to do things. There would be a lot more collaboration and cooperation if women were in charge of their own money, value, and bodies.

We can create a whole episode around that because from my talking the last few years with people, I don’t think there’s an understanding that each gender has both masculine and feminine energy. We’re going to have an episode on this coming up from this standpoint. I’m a firm believer that the world needs more women. It needs to bring feminine energy to everything. Not to overtake it, but to understand that there’s a yin and yang.

Also, bring balance to the force.

The balance between the yin and yang, mission and purpose, as well as creativity and being. The feminine brings creativity and being. The masculine brings the mission, purpose, and action. The world needs a balance of that. It’s way out of balance.

On that note, I come from my original career track that I thought I was going to have in health, fitness, and everything. You’re talking about bringing the balance. If you have more testosterone in your body than estrogen then if you don’t have the right balance, your body becomes toxic. It doesn’t function the right way. When we start talking about toxic masculinity or femininity, it’s an imbalance of both. I’m right on track. Nature shows us that.

The masculine and the feminine is inside each of us. In case you’re reading this and you’re thinking, we’re talking about your sexual preferences, it has nothing to do with that. It isn’t anything about gender. It is simply that there is the yin and yang. I don’t know why I missed this, but I always pointed it out now, because it’s an a-ha of mine. In the yin and yang, in those two teardrops that are created inside of that single circle of the different colors, there’s a small dot of the opposite color on each side.

Aligning With Your Purpose: The masculine and the feminine is inside each of us. It isn’t anything about gender. It is simply the presence of the yin and yang.

The black yin is going to have a dot of the white yang in it and vice versa. That’s important because you need a balance of the masculine and feminine. In my work as a spiritual practitioner, we call it the sacred divine masculine and feminine because it’s the highest level of masculine and feminine. It is in each of us. It is our off-balancedness that has knocked our world out of order. It’s our desire for money over the good of the planet, for example. Why are we deforesting the planet? Why are we being shortsighted about climate change and our future?

Chief Seattle said, “The Earth does not belong to us. We live on it, but it is not ours.” We act like it’s ours because of money. I believe that the more you bring the feminine into that conversation, that creative flowing energy, the more we allow the balance of Mother Nature. I want to say one more thing about this which is a radical thing, but it’s very important. There was a time when God had a wife because in order to have the creative occur the creation is between the masculine and the feminine.

That’s true of every single thing on our planet, but it isn’t true for almost everything on our planet. It isn’t true of God. Supposedly, there’s a guy and the guy makes the world. In the Aramaic versions of the Bible, the gnostic gospels, when you go back to the original versions, God’s wife was named Asherah. She’s still contained as a tree goddess in the Bible, but she’s been reduced to almost nothing. Imagine if we had a world where God was still allowed to have a wife and how much more balance there would be because it wouldn’t be about the patriarchy coming from the highest levels. It would be about having more of that balance.

What I like to coach men on is that you have both energies. Your core is more masculine because of your gender, but you do have the feminine, that little dot of the opposite color in you. If you want to be a very creative person as a man, then you need to treat it like a muscle. You have to recognize that you have that muscle. Also, as Zach and his wife liked to do, you got to get in the gym and start building that muscle to strengthen it in your life so that you strengthen your creativity and your being within this world as a human being in an effort to find that balance.

If you want to have an intimate relationship with your wife, then when that time occurs in the day, you need to pull it out of your pocket because you build it as a muscle and connect with your wife. When that moment is gone, you can put it back in your pocket and go out into the world on your mission and purpose from that perspective. If you don’t A) Recognize you have it, and B) Build that muscle and develop it within yourself, then you got a big rock to push up the hill.

Going back to love, I feel that feeling gratitude and love can help men connect more with those aspects of themselves.

In your bio, you had the phrase, “Women can call in the financial power that brings freedom.” Can you speak to that a little bit? What are your thoughts on that phrase?

I feel like this is recognizing for women that they have that birthright of wealth and them allowing that peace to come to the fore. A lot of women I interviewed for my Goddess Of Crypto Podcast are reticent to be interviewed at first because they’re saying, “I don’t know enough. I don’t understand enough. I haven’t been educated enough.” When crypto is one of those industries where it’s nascent that if you didn’t learn it on YouTube or by doing it directly, it’s not like you could go out and get your Crypto degree in college. You’ll be able to in ten years, but you cannot do that. There’s one school that does it already, but it’s not like you could have done that before.

A statistic that I heard from an HR company was, “Unless a woman has 80% or more of matching qualifications, she won’t apply for a job. A guy will apply for that job with 40% or 50% matching qualifications or on a lark throws a resume in anyway.” The woman is not putting herself forward because she doesn’t want to take away from anyone else who might be more qualified. That’s the way that she has been raised and her being that team player. She’s doing that with her money and with her belief system about what is possible for her with her money, “I didn’t go to school for this. I didn’t get educated for this.”

I had to tell a woman who’s 30 years old, “Nobody did. Your high school did not include financial education. Not as a fluke, but because we are not teaching that to anybody. I didn’t learn it. No one learned it. It’s the craziest thing in the world.” It’s one of the biggest flaws in our education system, but how do you not teach finance not to women or to people?

I feel like there’s this inherent energy of lack that women have when it comes to money, but instead of going out and fixing that, and some women do, a lot of women say, because this is like legacy history stuff, “I’ll let my partner handle that. I’ll figure it out, but only this much. I have enough to get by so that’s enough.”

I want women to shift out of that because when a woman earns $1, and this again is a statistic that you can look up online, she will put 80% to 90% back into her local community. That’s her family and the local area around her that I’ll refer to as her village in other countries, but also in the United States, like your local community. A man will put $0.30 to $0.40 of that same dollar back into his village, family, and local community. Think about that. A woman’s earning power at this moment is still something like 82% of what a man is because she’s getting paid that much less.

We’re getting a chance here that if we would make women on par with men financially, there would be much more circulation in the economy for everybody. That’s fundamental that is overlooked pretty much all the time. That’s not including, “What is the woman doing with her money?” Going back to crypto, the expression in crypto is, “When am I going to be able to buy a Lamborghini?” Especially when crypto’s doing well, you see that all the time. The woman is asking, “When is college education? When is a family vacation?” not, “When am I going to be able to buy a Lambo?” That is also a significant difference in how women build their wealth and what women want to do with that.

It’s all about bringing balance into it. You could even probably take that idea further to say all American jobs got shipped out of the country, but if we bring more leadership from women back, does that necessarily translate into bringing jobs back to the US, to family, or the local community? Are we going to have that influences more women to get involved in politics, leadership, and business?

I’m sorry to say this. I’m mostly centric, but I float a little to the left of the center. I was excited to see Kamala Harris be elected to this country. I was excited to see America finally recognizing women in that role. I have not been particularly impressed with the results that I have seen at least over the last couple of years. As long as it’s just a fluke that women are in politics and it’s necessary to acknowledge, “This is the first woman to,” fill in the blank or, “This is the only woman who,” fill in the blank, we are not normalizing it.

As long as it’s not normalized, we can’t have enough of us walk to see what our women like in that environment. Maybe Kamala Harris can’t do what she would like to do because she’s working in a world where she’s 1 of 500 people setting the rules for the country among other things. I want women who show up differently. It’s not just a woman in a man’s world, but a woman who says, “We’re taking a stand. We’re making this happen.” Whatever her legacy becomes after this election, the next one, or whatever, we will get to see more of it. I want there to be more women and more of a diversified field to look at.

Before we get to our last question, if people are interested in your coaching services or your trips, I’m sorry we didn’t get much into your travel business, but I wouldn’t trade our conversation for anything, what’s the best way somebody could reach out and get connected with you?

The best way to get in touch with me is simply to go to I have a fun free gift for people called The New Energy Of Money. Are You Ready? It is written for women about what I consider the coming financial tsunami, how to protect yourself, and how to begin getting educated to help shift your own personal economy so that you can thrive in the inevitable collapse that we are juggernauting to. That is my recommendation. I do have a trip coming up in Egypt called Egypt Spiritual Alchemy and Awakening. I’m excited about that. I’ve got two spots left. In case anybody’s interested, you can go to and then click on the trips on the main page and you can see the Tours.

We always wrap up our episodes by asking our guests one question, and there is no right or wrong answer. It’s your answer and your answers have been phenomenal. What do the words “Generate Your Value” mean to you?

I thought about this a lot and I had seven different answers, but what’s coming up for me now is to live your highest purpose. You did not come to this planet to play small. You came to live and play full out. There’s that beautiful Marianne Williamson quote that says, “Who are you to be brilliant, talented, fabulous? Who are you not to be?” The last part of the quote is my favorite. She says, “By shining your light, you unconsciously give permission for others to shine theirs.” That, for me, are the words to live by.

Live your highest purpose. You did not come to this planet to play small. You came to live and play full out.

As you generate your value in the world by being who you are, don’t confuse that with doing what you do. Your doing is your job and your being is how you show up. The kindness that you bring, the love that you bring, and the smile that may change somebody’s life is the energetic shift that is going to spill out past your borders and past the boundaries of your personal existence into your family, your local community, and your world. By shining your light, you will help others to shine theirs. To me, that’s what generating your value means.

I forewarned the readers that this is going to be a very easy conversation because the three of us are very aligned about life and business and forth. It does very much feel like a rally over Southern Baptist Convention. Halle, I can’t thank you enough for coming onto the show, sharing your wisdom, and generating your value through our channel in this episode. Readers, I hope you got some golden nuggets out of this conversation. There are a ton of them. I hope you are taking copious notes from that perspective. I love having guests like Halle on. That makes a difference in the world, particularly when it comes to women these days. We need to get that balance.

Zach and I will be cheering you on. We’re in your arena. The famous Roosevelt Arena quote has shown up constantly throughout my life. I use it quite a bit as an example. We know Halle that in you are in your arena and Zach and I are in the seats cheering you on from that perspective. We’re going to have another fabulous guest for you on the next episode. Somebody of the same caliber as Halle is from that perspective. We hope you’ll join us once again.

If you got a lot out of this, subscribe and share it. You surely have members, people, community, friends, or family out there that can use these golden nuggets as well. Please don’t hesitate to share it with others. Let’s get that message out there and start making changes in the world for the positives that bring balance to the world.

Thank you for joining us. Thank you for coming on and shining your light. Readers, if I read a good message on anything, I go back and reread it 3 or 4 to 5 times because there are always little nuggets that you miss. Go back. Read this. Take some notes. Break down your notes because there’s much good that can come from this. Go shine your light. Hopefully, this helps you generate more value in your life, your world, and your community. We appreciate you spending time with us and being on with us every episode. We’ll see you back here.

Have a great day. We’ll see you next time.



Featured in Time Magazine and USA Today and Good Morning America, Halle is a Transformational Wealth Coach, speaker, and writer who helps women clear their old patterns and beliefs so they can call in the financial power that brings freedom. Clearing the past experience of money makes it possible for her clients to cross the bridge to money’s future, which Halle sees their birthright of wealth, as well as in Decentralized Finance and cryptocurrency.

Drawing on over 30 years of business experience in software, real estate, film production, and travel, Halle’s work with a variety of intuitive modalities is both deep and extremely fast, with clients experiencing powerful shifts in their thinking, feeling, and behavior regarding wealth. Her latest programs include Wealth Reclamation and CryptoCurious, and her podcast and YouTube show is Goddess of Crypto.

After her awakening in Egypt, Halle wrote the spiritual travel memoir, Red Goddess Rising, which tells that story and all about the subsequent trips she’s led up the Nile for over a decade. A former blogger for The Huffington Post, she is also the author of 100 Ways To Be In Joy, and her latest book, NutriGlamorous, How To Be Beautiful Inside and Out.

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